All About Us 2022/23 Student Creative Film Showcase
5/3 (Sun) | 1pm | Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre | DCP | 53′ | Free Registration | With after-screening discussion

I am a Woman in My Family

Col / 12’32” / In English, Urdu and Cantonese with English subtitles

Dlinawaz Saadnawaz, Gurung Selinna, Harveer Singh, Khan Muhammad Diyan Khan, Khan Shazil Rehman, Limbu Dipti, Qamar Imaan, Qamar Salikhah, Waniya Iltaf

Teaching Artist: Chan Ho-lun Fredie


Growing up in a family with only men, Waniya never has a mother figure to guide her through mental and biological changes. She attempts to make a film on her struggles but it makes her even more frustrated. During such difficult moment, her crew member Salikhah and other fellows become her ultimate support.

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